Agriculture Products

Paddy, Pulses, Millets, Pineapples, etc.

Oragnic Products

Paddy, Pulses, Millets, Pineapples, etc.

Fresh Vegetables

Egg Plant, Carrot, Cucurbits, Chillies, etc.

Dairy Products

Dairy Products.

What we’re offering

Better Agriculture for Better Future


Our Services list

What We’re Doing


Livelihood support is a method of analyzing and changing the lives of people experiencing poverty and disadvantage. It is a participatory approach based on the recognition that all people have abilities and assets that can be developed to help them improve their lives.


Community farming offers many benefits to farmers who want to practice sustainable agriculture and to communities who want fresh, healthy, locally produced food. By supporting community farms, local communities can invest directly in their food system, secure farmland for the future, help create sources of healthy, locally produced food, and enjoy social, economic, environmental, and agricultural benefits. People who want to farm sustainably on a small scale are investing in community farming. Today, there are farms that have experience and knowledge in sustainable organic farming practices and cooperative living. The community group is made up of people willing to take responsibility for fulfilling the farm's vision and mandate. It governs all land use agreements with the farmers and the landowners (if a land trust or government). In the Community Farms Program, the community group is requested to incorporate as either a non-profit cooperative or a non-profit society.


KBR and its group of expert trainers have been delivering organisational and technical capacity building training on a range of topics in different sectors to both private and public organisations. Capacity building, or development, is the process by which individuals and organisations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity to obtain better results. KBR’s mission is to foster growth, good impact and sustainability of business and projects worldwide. To achieve that, we focus on designing and delivering highly professional capacity building and training services to NGOs, incubators, accelerators, private and public organisations. Our capacity building programs are based on the most advanced knowledge management and adult learning principles. We provide training for various sectors and topics such as small-holder farmers, farm management, policy, monitoring and evaluation, project management, awareness raising, organic farming, marketing. KBR creates and delivers tailor-made trainings based on an organisations’ requirements. To ensure sustainability of our training interventions we have designed a special post-training Mentorship program. This program has been created to further support our training participants once they complete our training, by providing them with on-the-job tools to apply knowledge gained in their training to their everyday work.


The biggest challenge for a small farmer is to reach his produce to the market in time and get the best price. In addition, the farmers need access to procurers like supermarket chains, retailers, eCommerce firms, local mandies etc. Here, KBR will, through the FDCs guide and play the catalyst role. Over time, the linkage can be extended to export markets too. Our approach includes tracking the villages in the vicinity of the Farmers Development Centers and developing the tools and services to evaluate the impact on the farmers who as directly managed by us.
Management activities include:

  • Identification of the farmers produce and linking with commercial and institutional buyers.
  • Connecting the farmers organizations and the buyers to the supply chain through the aggregation of service providers.
  • Facilitate the development and negotiation of contracts with buyers.
  • Educating and creating value through development of packaging, branding and exposing the farm output direct to the consumer market or commercial establishments.
  • Promoting good agricultural practices for production of pesticide residue free, quality food and linking the same to premium buyers.
  • Enhancing farmer entrepreneurship through market linkages.